Biography: Tayfun Uzbay
One of the most intriguing and fundamental properties of brain function is the ability to sustain long-term changes in patterns of neuronal activity. This concept, called neuroplasticity or brain plasticity, refers to the ability of adaptation and change-ability of brain within the time. Sometimes the reorganization or re-adaptation mediates vital and important physiological events such as learning and memory by LTP; but sometimes, especially under internal or external heavy stressful conditions, the statement is called as contra-adaptation and it is responsible for several neuropsychiatric diseases.
Neuroplasticity is a continuous process in reaction to neuronal activity and neuron injury, death, and genesis, which involves modulation of structural and functional processes of axons, dendrites and synapses. Elements of signal transduction cascade (SDC) between the neurons include in neurotransmitters, receptors, G proteins, second messengers, protein kinases, and transcription factors. If anyone of these elements has failure, pathological conditions (contra-adaptation) occur in brain. Each step of neurotransmission is influenced by changes in genes and DNA in SDC. In fact, neuroplasticity is a result of adaptive genomic changes in SDC and it is a product of gene plasticity or genoplasticity. However, the term genoplasticity does not frequently used in literature. Today, we do not have any radical solutions in treatment of important neuropsychiatric diseases such as autism, schizophrenia, addiction and Alzheimer yet. Some external and internal factors may change task definition of neurons by causing genomic changes and occurring mutant or terrorist neurons may cause severe brain disorders. We should also approach to neuropsychiatric diseases in aspect to genoplasticity.