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El Kaoui Habiba

University Ibn Tofail, Morocco

Title: Impact of a high fructose diet in wistar rat–metabolic and behavioral disorders –effect of supplementation of flaxseed


Biography: El Kaoui Habiba


Introduction: The deregulation of the energy balance by the malnutrition leads to the dysfunction of the neuro- The metabolic mechanisms but these homeostatic problems can be corrected by nutritional supplements. In this study, we investigated the effects of flaxseed on metabolism and anxiety- depressive-like disorders in high fructose-fed (23%) Wistar rat.
Methods: One-month-old female Wistar rats were divided into four groups of six rats:1. Control: (30g of standard food + 30ml of tap water), 2. Control supplemented with flaxseed (27g standard food + 7g flaxseed + 30ml tap water) 3. Fructose (30 g standard food + 23% fructose) 4. Fructose supplemented with flaxseed (23 g standard food + 7gflaxseed + 23% fructose), after two months of diet, the rats underwent a battery of tests to evaluate the affective behavior (Open Field, Elevated Plus Maze and Forced Swimming Test) and biochemical analyzes of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides
Results: High fructose diet inducesadverse metabolic effects (increases blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides) and behavioral ones(depression). Forflaxseed, it does not correct anxiety, but decreases depression-like and metabolic disorders.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that a high fructose diet induces metabolic and behavioral dysfunctions. Flaxseeds have
improved these conditions.