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Argjend Shala

University Clinical Center of Kosova, Kosova

Title: Myoclonic seizures in patient with cortical laminar necrosis due from hypoglycaemia and anaemia


Biography: Argjend Shala


Cortical laminar necrosis is necrosis of neurons in the cortex of the brain in situations when supply of oxygen and glucose is inadequate to meet regional demands. This is often encountered in cardiac arrest, brain ischemia, global hypoxia, hypoglycemia, anemia, status epilepticus etc. Early cytotoxic oedema causes high signal seen on DWI. CLN is a permanent brain injury, radiologically characterized by high intensity cortical lesions on T1 and Flair weighted MRI image. Myoclonic seizures are brief, shock-like jerks of a muscle or a group of muscles. Usually, they don't last more than seconds. There can be just one, but sometimes will occur within a short time. In epilepsy, myoclonic seizures usually cause abnormal movements on both sides of the body at the same time.